
About the project

Last apartments for sale A luxury
residential complex with superior hotel services, your own piece of the Krkonoše Mountains

ALDROV Resort, located in the heart of the Giant Mountains, is an exceptional mountain resort. Its unique architectural concept inspired by Krkonoše architecture is complemented by a wide range of quality services. This makes the resort very popular, as evidenced by the high occupancy rate of the hotel apartments. Currently, only the last few apartments are available for sale. The new owners can choose whether to use the apartment for their own use with all the comforts of hotel services, or to entrust it to the hotel operator, who will ensure its rental and appreciation when not in use.


Last apartments for sale
ALDROV_ (37 of 61).jpg


O veškerou údržbu a správu se postarámeO veškerou údržbu a správu se postaráme

Bezstarostnost 2

O veškerou údržbu a správu se postarámeO veškerou údržbu a správu se postaráme 2
ALDROV_ (32 of 61).jpg

Bezstarostnost 3

O veškerou údržbu a správu se postarámeO veškerou údržbu a správu se postaráme 3


Horní stanice lanovky se nachází 15m od pozemku


Gastronomické služby vysokého standardu


Temperované garážové stání, kde zaparkujete SUV i se střešním boxem
bedroom angle 2 armchair.jpgALDROV_ (37 of 61).jpg

Nadpis 1

Nadpis 2


saunový svět


Popis 1

Popis 2

Offer of apartments

Choose from the offer of original apartments
SeiBodenDispositionFläche in m2ParklückeKellerabteil
D3.53. NP1+kk445--Detail bytu
B1.31. NP2+kk4715--Detail bytu
F2.32+kk5210--Detail bytu
H1.31. NP2+kk5217--Detail bytu
D1.21. NP2+kk578--Detail bytu
E2.12. NP3+kk659--Detail bytu
A2.82. NP3+kk685--Detail bytu
H3.23. NP3+kk1127--Detail bytu
F3.43. NP3+kk1167--Detail bytu
D3.23. NP3+kk1177--Detail bytu
D3.43. NP4kk1107--Detail bytu
A3.33. NP4kk1185 + 4--Detail bytu
A3.33. NP4kk119.85 + 4--Detail bytu
C3.43. NP4kk119.65 + 4--Detail bytu
G2.22. NP4kk14615 + 7--V jednání
G3.23. NP6+kk19013 + 5--Detail bytu
G3.13. NP6+kk19113 + 6--Detail bytu
The location of the residential complex


Watch us
Aldrov Resort, 512 38 Vítkovice v Krkonoších



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